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Performing Mental / Textual Vulnerability


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"Hamlet: Performing Mental/Textual Vulnerability", designed and carried out by Dr. Miriam Fernández Santiago, celebrated at the University of Granada, 22 December 2022, through which we could transfer our research results on human and textual vulnerability to our teaching practice. (Students of Literatura Inglesa I, Degree in English Studies)
List of participants:

Act I, Scene II, (Hamlet's) - Juan Miguel López Gallardo

Act IV, Scene V, lines 288 - Rocío Santiago Cardona 

ACT III, Scene I (1749-1) - Patricia Pérez Guzmán   

Act I, Scene II, lines 333 - Ina Covaciu 

Act III, Scene I, (Hamlet’s ) - Irene Palma 

Act I, Scene V, lines 780-8 - María del Carmen Hernández Versinskaite

Act III, Scene I, lines 152 - Estefanía  Cazorla Carmona  

Act IV, Scene IV, lines 282 - Gemma  Quiñonero Gascón

Act III, Scene I, lines 1749 - María Corpas Latorre 

Act II, Scene II, lines 151 - Adela Calero Díaz 

Act III, Scene II, lines 218 - Yolanda Barrio and Marta González

Act I, Scene III, lines 10-4 - Alba Merinero Ruiz

Act IV, Scene I,line 1-40 - Gabriel Jiménez García

Video of the activity:

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